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By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Uncle Lucifer would be so proud…. This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 5th, at Stray Dog initially comes at you like Eyehategod after a solid fortnight on the tiles, before crashing headfirst into a gauntlet of down-picked insanity. Then email us at: Join other followers Follow. View all posts by Lewis Clark. corrupt moral altar luciferian deathcult

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The man unleashes some of the most furious blast-beats and double-bass drumming heard in ages altsr does it so furiously that I can imagine a lot of sticks were broken during the recording of this EP.

corrupt moral altar luciferian deathcult

We gave their demo a review here not long ago and the excellent Stray Dog makes it to this debut EP in all its kicking, screaming glory as well as the rest of the tracks, but they are delivered with perhaps more speed and less gristle.

Join other followers Follow. Also helping to temper the storm is the pacing of the EP. Indeed the vocals still strip paint and the only way to compare their screechiness aotar to compare it to the sound you get when you get an electric drill misfire and career across a wall, making that weird noise only high-rpm metal can make, seriously.

Uncle Lucifer would be so proud…. Superterrestrial Luciiferian Void That Exists.

Review: Corrupt Moral Altar’s Luciferian Deathcult

Facebook Twitter Google Plus Reddit. Have the nasty men gone yet? That's the impression you get from Corrupt Moral Altar's opener on Luciferian Deathcult entitled Play Stupid Games and Win Stupid Prizes which I guess is about work or some sort of horrid motivational incentive scheme in some call centre.

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 5th, at Torpor Rhetoric of the Image. The EP is officially released on the 18th of February. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Tags album alternative alt rock bastions black metal cassette church of fuck death metal desert rock digital doom doom metal download earthtone9 emo employed to serve ep esoteric youth festival funeral for a friend gig grindcore groove metal gurt hardcore hardcore punk hard rock heavy metal holy roar records iced out interview let it die limb live live review mathcore metal metalcore metallic hardcore monolithian music video news oblivionized old skin pariso post hardcore post rock prog prog metal progressive progressive metal punk razoreater reuben review riff rock rock rolo tomassi screamo self titled show sikth single sludge sludge metal split svalbard tangled talk records tech metal thrash metal tour touring vinyl witch hunter records year end.

corrupt moral altar luciferian deathcult

So this is heavy then. Don't forget lucifedian attach a press kit and artwork! UK Scumscene is a blog that's out to fly the flag for UK rock and metal music and keeping our 'local' scene thriving.

corrupt moral altar luciferian deathcult

You May Also Like. You can also like us on Facebook by clicking here! This apparent underground mob of supergrinders sprung right up out of the bowels of Liverpool in mid with lcuiferian simple aim of inflicting deafening chaos upon all willing to surrender a pair of ears toward their merciless din. You are commenting using your Google account.

Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive luciferia of new posts by email. Flattening The Cultural Pyramid sounds like a plan to take exacting revenge on all you find in your way, like a bandana'd and bullet-belted vigilante fighting his own war.

Corrupt Moral Altar - Luciferian Deathcult - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Notify me of new posts via email. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Stray Dog initially comes at you like Eyehategod after a solid fortnight on the tiles, before crashing headfirst into a gauntlet of down-picked insanity.

That's not to say any of the unpleasantness is scant or missing. Cooke brings some much needed groove to songs like Politics is a Bargain Between Beggars that allow the songs to flow and give them deathcukt all important element that will win them over to an army of headbangers.

New lucfierian on here sound even morral rage-filled and like pinpoint killing weaponry, the spittle-flecked Politics is a Bargain Between Beggars delivering more anti-thought police lines and pent-up aggro than most grind bands have in their discographies. Every bass-beat, riff, scream and cymbal crash is presented with stunning clarity that really helps you appreciate the musicianship on show, regardless of how utterly mental it all is. Each song is a fully formed slab of vicious metal that has room to breathe unlike the 30 second stabs of violence you get from the fastcore scene.

Corrupt Moral Altar ‘Luciferian Deathcult’ CD/DD 2013

Flattening the Cultural Pyramid sounds like a bunch of shark terrorists taking on some octopi mafia in the murky depths of the Atlantic as that ridiculously savage guitar snaps through your spine while Reece screeches his gospel about a hypothetical one world government.

View all posts by Lewis Clark. Every sinew and hairy wart is on display, just try and keep still and they'll coorrupt drive past.

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