Thursday, 19 December 2019


HI, I am stuck. Can I upgrade it to jailbreak 3. Any help would be awesome. My question is, I really NEED the push, if I jailbreak with a non-activate phone and use my sim to do it will I be able after to activate it, unlock my iphone with ultrasn0w and use another sim with push working? Thanks for the input.. ih8sn0w ireb v3.1.2 for windows-english.exe

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My question isCan i restore using ur custom 3.

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Also, iPhone will be coming out on Orange and Voda network soon, so how Apple are going to be releasing the updates for iPhones and will the network still be restricted to just the official carriers? Verified this does work!!!

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Dan November 6,6: Aatif January 13,3: I followed the instructions on putting the phone in restore mode and everything seemed to work fine, however, I cannot make or receive any phone calls nor send and receive any text messages. Shift restore the downloaded file.

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To jailbreak you will have to follow the instruction from one of the Snow programs and select the 3. How can I get it back? Since the second restoration the battery has been draining like crazy.

Foe, this will completely remove files, which iih8sn0w course affects the programs that trying to use it and result in the isi launcher. Hi,I have the latest model of iphone 3gs,but it is stuck on the apple logo and is not going further. Would you please confirm and clarify a few things?:. It was on firmware 3. My question is, I really NEED the push, if I jailbreak with a non-activate phone and use my sim to do it will I be able after to activate it, unlock my iphone with ultrasn0w and use another sim with push working?

It was using OS 2. Adds Multitasking Gestures option in Settings App. Thanks again for posting! It's BETA for a reason. I guess not many people use it as a true unclocked device, meaning, using it part time on official sim and, say when travelling, on a different provider sim.

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Mobile Substrate is now working. I have the old fw 4 something. Hello,here I have a previously jailbroken iphone 3gs with blackra1n at 3. Dear friend, Mine is iphone 3GS version: But best part of PwnageTool is that we can still windows-english.exs n receive calls: Can this phone do CFW as well, or must it use Blackra1n?

System may be damaged due to malicious application like malware, virus, Trojan, spyware etc. Once restored, you will need to unlock using Blacksnow if windows-ebglish.exe are on unofficial carrier even if you downloaded activated firmware as that is for earlier version of baseband hope that helps. Hacktivated phones can reboot to a semi-tethered state after being activated rather than just hang at the Apple Logo.

Can I post you my upload of the custom firmware I made with pwnage tool for mac it for zshare it might help ppl download faster. Iphoneheat, When I am trying to download the files via Rapidshare I get the following message: Like, will i get pass the emergency screen and itunes will activate it? Can you tell me what things i need as i am new to this. Do u know if there is any compatible prob with 3. From The iPhone Wiki.

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